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Raschig是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Raschig.html 发布时间:2021-03-25
Raschig是什么意思 Raschig在线翻译 Raschig什么意思 Raschig的意思 Raschig的翻译 Raschig的解释 Raschig的发音 Raschig的同义词 Raschig的反义词 RaschigRaschig 网络解释

1. 拉西环:piston ~活塞环 | Raschig ~拉西环 | seal ~密封环

Raschig 双语例句

1. According to the experimental results, there was no obvious strong relationship between packing specific surface area and mass transfer coefficient. As to materials, ceramic packings had superior mass transfer efficiency. And probably because the shape of Raschig rings and saddle type might hinder liquid distribution, the mass transfer efficiency of spherical packings was higher than those of Raschig rings and saddle type. Besides, the kLa values for hydrophilic packings were generally higher by about 11%~43% than those of hydrophobic packings. Moreover, the mass transfer of wire mesh was better than that of blades and steel rings.
经由实验结果发现,填充物比表面积的大小与质传系数间并无明显正比关系;在材质方面,陶瓷材质填充物具有最佳的质传效果;在几何形状的部份,由於拉西环及矩鞍容易造成液体流动的死角,因此质传效果较圆珠为差;此外,亲水表面填充物质传效率优於疏水表面填充物,其质传系数可比填充疏水表面填充物高11%~43%;在 Structured packing部分,填充金属丝网的质传效果较叶片及钢圈为好。

2. Hydrodynamic and mass transfer experiments, such as liquid holdup, pressure drop, flooding velocity and height of transfer unit of Raschig ring, QH-1, QH-2 and Pall ring packing were performed.

3. An experimental investigation was made of temperature gradients in air streams being cooled while flowing through a cylinder of diameter 81 mm packed with high thermal conductivity and low thermal conductivity solids of spheres, cylinders and Raschig rings.

4. Mainly includes Metal Raschig Ring, Metal Pall Ring, Metal Cascade Mini Ring, Metal Saddle, Metal Conjugate Ring, and Metal Inner Are Ring etc.

5. Raschig的近义词

5. Experiments have been made with two systems of n-heptane/toluene(σ-positi- ve)and benzene/n-heptaneto look into and compare the effect of surface tension gradients on the mass transfer performance of three types of metal ring packings, i. e., 6 mm θ-Cannon rings, Pall rings and Raschig rings.

6. Bulk ceramic tower packing has excellent acid and heat resistance, except hydrofluoric acid outside the capability of various inorganic acids, organic acids and organic solvents, corrosion can be a variety of high-temperature, low-temperature occasions the use of a wide range of applications can be used to chemical industry, metallurgy, gas, oxygen and other industries drying tower, absorption tower, cooling tower, regeneration tower Jincheng packing are: Raschig rings, wash ring, different saddle ring, low ring, cross ring, pall ring, moment saddle ring, ladder ring, SK chain, combined plum blossom ring.
陶瓷散堆塔填料具有优异的耐酸耐热性能,能耐除氢氟酸以外的各种无机酸、有机酸及有机溶剂的腐蚀,可在各种高温、低温场合使用,应用范围十分广泛,可用于化工、冶金、煤气、制氧等行业的干燥塔、吸收塔、冷却塔、再生塔等。金诚填料有:拉西环、洗涤环、异鞍环、低环、十字环、鲍尔环、矩鞍环、阶梯环、SK 连环、组合梅花环等。

7. Under gas-liquid countercurrent flow condition, the flooding velocities of the two phases are equivalent to a bed packed with Raschig rings of 6mm×4mm×4mm (outside diameter×inside diameter×length) in geometry.

8. The preparation of graphite Raschig ring by a sintering process using the colloidal graphite as main raw material is reported in this paper.

9. The structure of graphite Raschig ring was analyzed by SEM.

10. 911查询·英语单词大全

10. Compared with the conventional Raschig ring greatly enhanced the efficiency of the catalyst.

11. Studies on the Pressure Drop in Packed Beds of Wheel and Raschig Ring Catalysts

12. The paper reports the measurements of pressure drop in fixed beds packed with wheel catalysts and Raschig ring catalysts of five different sizes and shapes and industrially supplied. Using the measurements, modified ERGUN equations of the pressure drop were obtained.

13. Given the Same comparable conditions and the same outer dimensions (external diameter and height), the pressure drop produced by the wheel catalysts is smaller than that of the Raschig ring catalysts.

14. The liquid phase residence time distribution (RTD) of the system of air and fluid of various viscosity in raschig ring column is measured by non-ideal pulse-reaction technique and two detections.


15. It is demonstrated that the resistance to liquid for θ ring was obviously smaller than that of Raschig ring, and that the θ ring is suitable for and it is the vacuum distillation favourable for the obsorption of a large amount of liquid.

16. : Selecting raschig ring as the filler of bio-trickling reactor and toluene as the representative of VOCs, the biodegradation of toluene using this reactor has been studied and biodegradation model of VOCs in the reactor also established under experimental conditions.

17. Liquid Ion-Exchange Extraction for the Recovery of Hydroxylamine Sulfate from Raschig Synthesis Mixtures: Application and Relative Study

18. Raschig

18. The effective interfacial area and liquid-side mass transfer coefficient were determined in packed column with ceramic Raschig rings by chemical absorption method, and the liquid-side mass transfer coefficient was also measured by physical absorption method.

19. The efficiency of mass-transfer of the rotating bed that is filled with Raschig rings between the baffles is lower far than the new rotating bed.

20. Quality of the product is controlled by bright outward appearance of sheet material of moulding material and Raschig flow property 80~120 mm of moulding material.

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本文链接: http://raschig.immuno-online.com/view-750470.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)